Sunday, December 20, 2015

Society and the effects of Marijuana

By: Amanda Diaz

      The legalization of marijuana would have a positive effect on society not only with gaining freedom, but saving money as well.  The number of criminals would decrease since most people in prison are arrested for drug affiliated crimes allowing the taxpayers to save money.  It’s time to allow the people to choose what kind of society they want to live in and how they want to express themselves.  Prohibition of alcohol in the twentieth century wasn’t effective and it actually increased crime and the rise of organized crime began.  If this prohibition on marijuana was taken away the “War on Drugs” would cease and drug lords making a massage amount of money on weed wouldn’t have a place in society anymore.  The states could tax the drug and make money off of the sale increasing government profits tremendously.  Teenagers who are arrested for having a small amount of weed on them could finally have a second chance and be able to not be trapped in the prison system.  Most prisoners who are in the system today cannot get out because of the cyclical cycle of fines and imprisonment.  As long as these users aren’t hurting others or themselves they shouldn’t be arrested and punished for the rest of their lives for this one mistake.