Thursday, January 17, 2013

That was Awkward

Written by: Christine To

We’ve all had our awkward moments, right? Do you get embarrassed? Do you laugh it off? No one really knows how to deal with these unfortunate mishaps. Well, I can help you through these awkward encounters in your life. Here are some common scenarios that could happen to you in the hallways of Colonie High. I’ll help you prepare yourself for your next painstaking awkward moment.
  1. Sudden Loss of Hearing
    By that, I mean, your friend said something to you and you didn’t hear them. And not only did you not hear them the first time, you didn’t hear the eight times they’ve repeated themselves either. So after saying “WHAT?!” about a billion times, it gets awkkkwaarrddd… You have to just pretend you heard them. They appropriate fake response here would be; acting interested, nodding and saying “Oh, I know, right,” “Yeah, sure,” or “I don’t know.” After responding, change the subject right away, so they don’t continue to ask you questions about said topic.
  2. The Awkward Wave
    In the crowded hallways of Colonie, there are plenty of half asleep zombie students. You’re so excited to see your friend so you flash a huge smile and wave but she’s completely oblivious to her surroundings. So what do you do? Everyone just saw you wave at her and boom—you got shot down. Here’s what you do, you wave all the way down the hallway. Don’t you dare stop, wave at everyone who sees you. Don’t be concerned about looking strange, everyone will think “wow, that person is so friendly.” Problem solved, my friend.
  3. Saying Goodbye But Not Parting Ways
    Has this ever happened to you? You give a long, meaningful farewell and as you turn to leave, you and your friend go in the same direction. Then you laugh awkwardly start a new conversation. Here’s how to avoid this event, run. Full speed ahead, just sprint away and do not look back. Your friend will be slightly confused, but it’s alright, you’ve made a clean getaway.
    These are three common awkward situations to occur here at school and how to avoid them. So next time you’re waving someone and they don’t wave back? It’s alright, don’t get embarrassed, just continue to wave at everyone, and the awkward moment is avoided with success.