Thursday, January 10, 2013

Young Love or Social Suicide

 by Theo Vasilakos

                It feels like Valentine ’s Day everyday with the amount of affection displayed by couples at CCHS. Both students and teachers are getting sick and annoyed with the amount of “canoodling” and “sucking face” that goes on in the halls. PDA in the halls of Colonie Central High school, young love or social suicide?

                Summer Clevenger, a senior at CCHS said that “Its gross” and she “hate(s) everyone that does it.” Although what she said is a bit extreme, it’s true. Many students that walk between their classes are subjected to couples and their displays of “young love.” Jason Neal, another senior at CCHS feels that “not everyone wants to see that” and couples should “be more considerate to others” in the hallways. In another interview with a senior named Nikki LaMountain, she said this about the amount of PDA in the hallways, “They should do it in private. They are blocking the hallways!”

                When I asked star athlete Steph Reinhardt about her opinions on PDA, she said, “I don’t like PDA, it’s weird to watch.” But when I asked about what her and her boyfriend do in the halls she said, “We don’t hold hands but we kiss goodbye.” An anonymous source says that “it’s okay to an extent. It’s the business of the people in the relationship.” When I asked this anonymous source if they had ever been asked to change this they said, “only once before. I toned it down because I don’t want to offend anybody.”

                While these little smooching sessions happen in the halls, they have been happening in other places in our fine school. Ms McConville, a humble librarian, has witnessed this first hand in her library. “I tell them to cut it out; I don’t want to see anyone making out,”  she said. I agree with you, McConville. No one wants to see people make out in our fine schools hallways.