Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Picking a College

Lizzie Green

November 3, 2015

After interviewing seniors and teachers at Colonie Central High school I have created a list on

how to pick your college. Picking a college can be stressful and time consuming but by following these

steps you can go through this process with less difficulty. All you have to do is get through the

application process and looking at schools and then all your stress we be gone and you will have a great

time at whichever college you chose.

1. MAJOR: First make sure all the schools you’re looking at have the major you want to study. If

you end up at a school without your major it will be a waste of four years. There is no reason

that you should change your major to fit that school because there are so many schools to

choose from. Only apply to a program you can see yourself in and one you’re interested in

because no one wants to transfer if they don’t have to!


2. SIZE: Look at the size of the schools. Some schools can be the size of a high school and some

can have around 40,000 undergraduates. The size of a school can determine how comfortable

you are there and it has a big role in your class size. The more students the bigger the class. I

recommend if you are going to a major that needs more individual help like nursing or pre-med

that a smaller size school is better. You will be in smaller classes which will allow you to get to

know your teachers better and you will get more individual attention. Therefor before visiting a

school look up the enrollment number, ask about class sizes, and see how many people they

accept in your major.

3. LOCATION AND DISTANCE: High school senior Jenna Snide says location and distance is a

major factor when choosing a college. First you can decide if you want a city or suburban/rural

school. Then look at how far it is away. Maybe you want to go down the road from your house

or you want to be a plane ride away. Location and distance can also narrow down your list of

possible schools which in the end makes it easier. Senior Erin Charton says that she is looking for

a school far enough away where her dad won’t come visit every weekend but close enough

where she can drive home if needed. The perfect distance for her is about four hours away.

4. ATHLETICS: I know from my experience that sports play a huge role in which college I go to. I

want a school with a big football team, a big fan section at every game and a lot of sports to

watch! But some people are just looking for classes to go to and a library to study in, so sports

may not matter to them. Know what you’re looking for with sports then ask students at that

school about their athletic program.


5. VISIT THE CAMPUS: You have to visit the campus to get a good feel for the school. A campus

visit has a major role in senior Jessica Annello choosing Oneonta. Jess said’ “I grew up with the

dream of playing softball for Oswego, but after visiting their campus I knew it wasn’t the school

for me.” Jess didn’t get the right vibe from Oswego so she knew there was no way she would be

happy there for the next four years. A campus can make or break how happy you are at the

college you choose.

6. MONEY: Money is a big part. A very good path to take is a public school because of the price,

but not everyone likes public schools. Scholarships will make a huge difference in the price you

will owe. Try for every scholarship you are eligible for because there is a good chance you can

get it. Another way you can lower the price is by trying hard in high school. It may not seem like

it now but getting good grades is very important. It can get you more money so you can go to

the college of your dreams. The main thing you should think about with money is make sure you

realize the debt you will come out with and the loans you will owe. Also, community college is a

very good idea. If you are not sure what you are going to do with the rest of your life might as

well save some money until you figure it out.

The biggest suggestion my guidance counselor gave to me was wherever you choose to go make

sure you can picture yourself there. If you can’t picture yourself happy in a city school don’t look at

city schools. If they don’t have as many clubs or outside activities as you were looking for there is no

reason to go there. College will be a great time in your life so make sure wherever you go is what

you are looking for. There are thousands of colleges in the United Sates so I guarantee one of them

will fit your needs. Don’t settle for a college because you don’t want to keep looking. Once you’re

done looking and applying the stress goes down and you are ready for the next four years of your
