Friday, January 15, 2016

Syrian Refugees

By: Julia Crist


The refugees from Syria are a big deal right now, And the issue is whether or not to let them into the country. This was a controversial issue before but became an even bigger issue when the Paris attacks happened. We were planning on letting in 10,000 refugees this year but since the attacks we have closed our doors. The ironic thing is that Jeb bush thinks we should let in only the Christians from Syria and not the Muslims but isn’t whole reason people came to America to begin with was to escape religious persecution? And now we aren’t allowing people in because of their religion. Not to mention the fact that Paris has said that they are accepting 30,000 refugees in the next two years and we can’t even accept a third of that when we weren’t even the ones directly attacked is beyond me. America needs to wake up and realize that if we are going to help bomb Syria we also have to provide refuge for the people of Syria. America is supposed to be open for immigration, everyone in America is either an immigrant or is a descendant of immigrants. Immigrants are the foundation of America and if we don’t allow it what does that say about our character?